Expert-led training to upskill your team
Everyone likes to learn in different ways, so Nettl’s system is supported in a number of different ways too. Every Nettl partner gets access to the Nettl Academy: expert-led online training to upskill your teams. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced hand, our expert-crafted courses have you covered. Learn the basics through our onboarding process or focus on topics like SEO, building websites, UX, sales or print. We’ll also support you when you get stuck with online step-by-step guides, how-to videos, and live webex surgeries. Ask questions on the Geek Channel and share ideas and suggestions in our private community.

Proven Online Training
We understand that developing your team is an important element of business growth. We’ve geared our courses around delivering content in a structured manner that can then be applied within your studio. At all levels. Making sure you are able to utilise all of the Nettl tools at your disposal to help grow and future-proof your graphics business.
Live Sessions
Regular live video sessions with our expert Academy coaches. View a live event calendar and log on to a session that suits your diary.
Offline assignments
Put what you’ve learned into practice. Many of our course sessions will content offline assignments to help you understand in practice.

Recorded content
Each training course will pre-recorded video content that you watch and rewatch at a time that suits. No need for travel and hotel room bookings.
Test your new found knowledge. Make sure you and your teams have learned what you need to by completing our online quizzes. Gain certificates and prove your expertise for each module.

Nettl Academy is your ongoing journey. Our core training sessions, integral to becoming Nettl certified, are the best starting point. But there’s much more to help you find ways to grow. Your training will incorporate live online sessions, recorded videos and offline course work.
A multi-part course covering how to build websites in Brambl, WordPress and WooCommerce from within the Nettl system. Suitable for beginners through to experts.
Sales training that covers; Identifying opportunities; Selecting the right platform; How to price sites; Marketing; Managing the initial meetings; Proposals and follow-ups.
Learn how to make beautiful web design that engages and converts visitors. Our experts will guide you through best practice for designing for the web.
Master the art of selling SEO. Learn what SEO is, how it works and how to sell it to your clients. Discover keyword analysis, reporting and learn how to launch an SEO campaign.
Learn how to provide a consistently great customer experience, improve client relationships and pre-empt and resolve issues before they even arise.
We’ll show you how to prepare graphic files for print and fabric displays, using our automation to get the most out of proofing and file checks.

We all need help when we get stuck. Whether thats a technical challenge with a project you’re working on, or operational support to help you process something through the system. Nettl is there to help you and your team in whichever way works for you best.
Nettl Geeks are your first line of technical support. They help when you get stuck and create the fast paths and insights which help you do more in-house.
Access system support directly from the Nettl back office. Our live chat function connects you to the expert who can help solve your problem.
Everyday is a school day. Attend Nettl group surgeries to continuously build your knowledge and further your learning.
Become part of our growing community. Working alone is hard, we can help each other overcome common problems and share the things that bring us success. Nettl is a global community of like minded businesses and individuals. Being part of something bigger breeds confidence in your teams and clients.

Having a circle of people with the same challenges can be therapeutic and powerful. There are people like you, dealing with the same things right now. Talk to them on W3pin.
Access our online database. It’s filled with all the knowledge you need to learn and build your agency. Find answers to system led questions, watch videos and find answers.
Our Development Team are there to support your growth. They’ll work with you to build your marketing and training plans, and help you execute plans to grow your business.